Make Haywood County a Second Amendment Sanctuary!

Join us in urging the Haywood County Commission to declare our county a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

Attend the County Commission meeting on Tuesday, January 21 at 5:30 PM in the Commission Chamber in the Historic Haywood County Courthouse at the Corner of Main and Depot streets in Waynesville.

The meeting begins at 5:30, but be sure to arrive early to sign up to speak.

Download the Flyer in PDF format by clicking here.

Download the Petition in PDF format by clicking here.

12 Replies to “Make Haywood County a Second Amendment Sanctuary!”

  1. We have always enjoyed these freedoms and shall always enjoy these freedoms as a sanctuary County, who will protect our rights to bear arms, to protect ourselves and our families, with proper controls on mental and criminal background checks.

  2. The right to bear arms, an American right, under the 2nd Amendment. Yes Haywood Co. Needs to be a sanctuary for this right. As a legal law abiding citizen I reserve the right to have and bear arms to protect myself, my daughter and my home, from be it animal intruders on my property, or of the human kind trying to do us harm at home or out in public. I fully support this. No governing body should be able to take the rights away from law abiding citizens like this.

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